About Us

I'm a parent of a kid that just loved to play ball and I loved to watch him and keep the scorebook. My challenge was I couldn't find a scorebook that I liked. The scorebooks were big and bulky; you had to write your lineup over and over and over; the scoreboxes were too small; and with the various pitching rules (innings pitched or pitch counts) you had to have a separate form to keep track.

So after being frustrated one too many seasons, I decided to create my own scorebook – which led to starting a little enterprise we decided to call Grand Slam Scorebooks.

We started by asking ourselves one simple question “why are scorebooks and lineup cards separate?” We solved that problem and started talking to hundreds of coaches and scorekeepers about frustrations they had and how to make keeping score easier. And while we didn’t invent the scorebook, you’ll be amazed at the things we’ve done to improve it. The final product features five new ideas so innovative that we have a patent pending. We built a better mousetrap – literally simplifying scorekeeping while making it less error proned. 

We appreciate and value your business! If you need another scorebook, or know someone looking for one – please think of us.

Best of luck this season!

Jeff Smith
Grand Slam Scorebooks